In most cases, a conduit contribution will come into your system automatically via the API. This is the case with ActBlue donations, which represent the vast majority of conduit transactions.
In some cases though, you might need or want to enter a conduit contribution manually. The system supports that and as long as you enter it correctly, the system will handle all the details for reporting to your respective agency.
To enter a conduit contribution, follow these steps:
- go to Finances on the left hand menu
- click Transactions
- click Conduit / Intermediary
- click Enter to enter a new transaction
- search for the individual or organization who made the donation and either select or add a new record
- The 'source' box will be at the top of this enter transaction form. Select the conduit from which this transaction came though.
- If you do not see a source in the dropdown, that means that a conduit has not yet been defined for your system. Go here to set up a conduit: