This article explains how to set up your bank accounts and data-handling to quickly and easily file your F3X.
1. Set up both a traditional and a 'non-contribution' bank account.
- Proceed to the Finance / Setup tab
- Go to the Depository tab
- Enter bank accounts for both accounts
- Example:
2. Define your data-handling rule
Sometimes there are limitations to how the data comes into the system. For example, ActBlue (at present) doesn't have the concept of 'bank'. This is critical piece of data when filing an F3X report for a Hybrid PAC but it doesn't exist in ActBlue.
Whether you import your data manually or it comes in via the API, you may find that it helps to create a simple rule. An example is this:
3. Enter any additional transactions such as loans, disbursements, etc and be sure to select the appropriate bank for each
4. File your report. See here for step by step instructions for filing a FEC report.